Augmented Reality Integrated Educational Board Game
The first people to reach New Zealand were Polynesians. They were expert navigators and travelled thousands of miles in the Pacific Ocean exploring and making new settlements. They used stars, wind, clouds, ocean currents and swell for wayfinding. They built large canoes to travel long voyages through the rough and dangerous waters. Waka Hourua – also known as Double Hull canoe – is a large waka built by Polynesians for long voyages.
This Waka Hourua Game is a fun educational board game for children to learn about the concepts of early Polynesian migration. You will be playing as a team to travel to find land. Each player will represent a character and will have an important role to play in bringing the team to the new land.
This game is also a great tool for teachers to facilitate the concepts of New Zealand history to students in an engaging and a fun way.
Augmented Reality
One of the most exciting things about the game is the integration of Augmented Reality (AR). With AR children will not only have fun and amusement, but it’s also a great tool for learning. Children will be able to interact with the cards and overlaid animation in a fun and engaging way.